Home Liebe Warum Rom-Coms zeitlose Wahrheiten über die Liebe zeigen

Warum Rom-Coms zeitlose Wahrheiten über die Liebe zeigen

von NFI Redaktion

Romantic comedies often portray couples as perfect soulmates who effortlessly blend together. However, in real life, relationships require work. How do these movies relate to what Gottman’s research tells us about relationships?

Rom-Coms Spark Our Imagination

In romantic comedies, sometimes incredibly „perfect“ lovers are depicted, and we get the impression that these fictional stories represent genuine feelings in relationships before considering whether they are anchored in reality. By watching these films, our imagination helps us to understand the meaning of love, even if the stories are not real.

The 1999 comedy „Notting Hill“ humorously portrays the complex dynamics between an „average man“ and a famous actress. Its witty scenes capture the complicated emotions associated with overcoming social barriers and building trust. While far-fetched, themes of open communication, building love maps, and friendship can also be translated into real life.

Movies Use Metaphors to Portray Everlasting Love

Simplistic advice like „choose each other every day“ is important but can sound overused. Movies use stories to create lasting metaphors. „The Notebook“ (2004) portrays a love that endures a lifetime, reminding us of the deep love can be.

Movies Give New Meaning to Overused Words

Sometimes, common phrases lose their meaning because we use them too often. Saying „you complete me“ might not feel particularly special anymore. Movies like „(500) Days of Summer“ (2009) breathe new life into these phrases by shifting the focus from searching for the perfect partner to collectively facing life’s challenges.

We Can Find Wonder in Everyday Moments

Everyday life can sometimes feel mundane, but romantic comedies help us rediscover the excitement in everyday moments. The 1995 film „Before Sunrise“ shows that even simple interactions can be extraordinary, reminding us that beauty lies in everyday experiences.

The Journey to True Love in Real Life Is Attainable

No Hollywood film perfectly describes the journey to true love. But by imagining extraordinary things, we can identify where our real lives may need improvement.

And if you need a little more help, tools from Gottman’s research can provide practical steps to improve our relationships and bridge the gap between ideals and reality.

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