Home Gesundheit Lebensmittel für ein langes, gesundes Leben

Lebensmittel für ein langes, gesundes Leben

von NFI Redaktion

Research is clear: consuming the right foods can lead to a longer and healthier life.

However, for many reasons, as people age, it becomes more difficult for them to eat properly. Perhaps they have a decreased appetite, cooking or eating challenges, lack knowledge about healthy foods, or simply do not enjoy the idea of kale.

„You know what? You can lead a long, healthy life without ever eating a piece of kale,“ says Cheryl Rock, PhD, Professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

She advocates for finding healthy foods that you enjoy and building on that.

„If you eat foods you like, you’re more likely to stick with it. You won’t force it down for four days and then go eat a double cheeseburger,“ says Rock.

But it’s not just about finding the right foods. Michele Bellantoni from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine emphasizes the importance of eating them in the right amounts.

„For most older adults, the optimal calorie intake [a day] will be 1,800,“ she says. „And for successful aging, we think of the whole body, not just specific organs.“

Many foods are particularly good for certain body parts. Bellantoni suggests dividing these 1,800 calories into proteins for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and a heart-healthy foundation.

This approach can do many things for you.

A heart-healthy foundation can help you control your weight, which is important as over a third of people over 65 are obese. This can lead to diabetes, certain cancers, and heart disease.

A heart-healthy diet includes:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Low-fat dairy products like yogurt and cheese
  • Skinless poultry
  • Plenty of fish
  • Nuts and beans
  • Non-tropical plant oils (olive, corn, peanut, and safflower oils)

Salmon and other fish like trout and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and help with conditions like high blood pressure. Aim for two servings per week.

The fiber in vegetables and whole grains can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It aids digestion and can help with regular eating, which can be an issue for some older adults.

No single food will save your heart. You need a well-rounded, healthy diet.

„If you eat a lot of fish but then indulge in ice cream, candy, and the like,“ says Rock, „it won’t save you.“

Memory loss, a significant issue for some older adults, is linked to a deficiency in Vitamin B12. Sources include:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Dairy products
  • Certain breakfast cereals

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with chronic inflammation caused by foods like white bread, french fries, red meat, sugary drinks, and margarine.

Scientists are still investigating the connection between certain foods and brain health.

„I wouldn’t pinpoint a specific food that prevents memory loss. I would probably tell someone that some fruits and antioxidants are better for you than another piece of cake if you want to function well,“ says Adam Drewnowski, PhD, Director of the Nutrition Sciences Program at the University of Washington.

Antioxidants found in many vegetables and fruits like blueberries help reduce inflammation. They also help you get rid of harmful substances called free radicals that form when your body converts food into energy.

It’s important to recognize that good brain health may depend as much on what you don’t eat as on what you do.

„Your brain thrives on blood flow, just like your heart,“ says Rock. „So if you’re eating a lot of saturated fats, you’re less likely to have those nice, clean arteries supplying blood to your brain tissue.“

Try to incorporate tomatoes, blueberries, leafy greens like spinach and kale, turmeric, and nuts (especially walnuts) into your diet. And those omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and other fatty fish also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Your body is constantly breaking down and rebuilding itself – that’s how your body works. As you age, you need more protein for the rebuilding process.

„If you’re not eating enough protein, you’ll break down more than you build back up,“ says Rock.

Low-fat or fat-free yogurt, cheese, milk, lean meats, fish, other seafood, and beans can help with this. And eggs are also an excellent source of protein and do not contain the saturated fats that meat does. Don’t worry about the cholesterol in your eggs, says Rock. Your body doesn’t absorb it well.

Older adults need calcium because it promotes healthy bone growth. Yogurt, low-fat cheese, and milk are good sources.

However, you should be cautious as too much of it can cause constipation. Discuss with your doctor or nutritionist what would be best for you.

It is also important to get enough Vitamin D as it helps your body absorb calcium. But this is not always easy.

„The risk of Vitamin D deficiency in older adults presents a challenge, as there aren’t many foods with high Vitamin D content,“ says Dr. Stephen Anton from the Department of Aging and Geriatric Research at the University of Florida.

Calcium and Vitamin D are found in fortified foods, fish like salmon, and dairy products.

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