Home Gesundheit Natürliche Pestizide für einen Bio-Garten

Natürliche Pestizide für einen Bio-Garten

von NFI Redaktion

Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest foods, but it also comes with a lot of frustrations. From pest control to proper watering, many factors come into play, especially when using organic methods to avoid synthetic pesticides. Here are some natural pesticide options that will thank your body (and the environment!) for!

Fortunately, there are several ways to combat pests without resorting to harmful pesticides and insecticides. Companion planting, proper spacing, and natural pest control methods help ensure a healthy garden. The Battle Against Beetles

Insecticides, herbicides, and other pesticides bring a lot of problems. The side effects of exposure range from skin irritations to respiratory problems (even death in extreme cases!). They depend on the pesticide used and the person using it. Even if someone doesn’t feel immediate side effects, the effects still impact the food we eat. It also seeps into the soil, water, and environment.

Some organic gardeners simply swap synthetic pesticides for organic ones. But let’s look at the big picture first. Our backyard vegetable garden is part of the entire ecosystem. Some insects are beneficial to plants (like pollinators and ladybugs), and we actually want them nearby. Botanical insecticides can sometimes kill good insects too. Before using natural insecticide, try some things first!

Is Organic Pest Control Possible in the Garden?

Pest control in the home garden is possible, but I’ll be honest… it takes some work! Nothing crushes your garden dreams like finding your cabbage chewed to pieces overnight.

Step 1: Be proactive! Take the time to walk through the garden for 5 minutes every day. This is called „scouting.“ Examine the plants, turn the leaves over, and check the soil for signs of pest infestation – eggs, larvae, chewed leaves, etc. If you notice signs of damage, act immediately. And yes, if you really want an organic garden, that may mean hand-picking insects and even squishing them. I prefer the soapy water bucket approach. If you find adult beetles or larvae that like to eat, remove them (or the leaf with the eggs attached) and place them in a bucket of soapy water.

For widespread problems, it’s not practical to handpick beetles and other pests from the garden. But by applying the above steps for biological pest control, you will hopefully prevent situations from getting out of control. Through frequent and accurate observation, you will be prepared before a disaster strikes!

Step 2: Use Companion Planting

Some plants have natural properties that help others grow and repel pests when planted nearby. Their use is a way to increase garden production and accommodate more plants in a smaller space. Here are some popular companion plants:
– Basil – Planting basil with tomatoes improves production and flavor. It is also good for peppers and is said to repel mosquitoes. I plant basil all over the garden for its aroma and beneficial properties.
– Borage – A great companion for tomatoes and cabbage, as it deters both tomato hornworms and cabbage moths. It also benefits strawberries and is practical for everything in the garden. I plant continuously.
– Chamomile – A great companion for cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and all types of cabbage. It enhances flavor and is a great herb to have on hand. It attracts beneficial insects and has delicate and beautiful flowers. Also, it makes a delicious, soothing tea!
– Dill – I like to plant this with cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, and more. It enhances flavor, repels pests, and is useful in making homemade pickles! Dill also attracts parasitic wasps that kill insects like aphids and tomato worms. Since it can grow quite large, I plant it in the middle of cucumber beds.
– Catnip – Planted near pumpkins and cucumbers, it repels squash bugs and aphids. Steep the dried leaves in tea to calm the stomach, and spray the tea on plants as a pest control spray!
– Radishes – These can be planted throughout the garden and under plants like cucumbers to deter cucumber beetles.
– Marigolds – Planted throughout the garden, they help prevent nematodes and repel pests. They bloom all summer long, as long as you constantly tear off faded flowers.

By intercropping a few plants with all of these plants, pest infestations in the garden can be significantly reduced.

Sunflowers – Great companions and beautiful throughout the garden. Plant the plant with cucumbers, beans, and vine plants to create a trellis. They are robust and great as a trap crop for aphids and other pests. Usually, they produce plenty of seeds of their own that you can use next year.

There are many other great companion plants. Find more ideas in this chart.

Step 3: Use Homemade Pesticides and Repellents

Companion planting is helpful, but if you have already planted and are having problems with pests, some homemade insecticides can be helpful:
– Kelp tea helps repel Japanese beetles and aphids while nourishing plants. Spray once a week before and during infestations.
– A garlic-cayenne spray (see recipe below) repels many garden insects and wildlife pests. This is probably the most cost-effective option you can make at home and is not harmful to you when applied. Apply once a week or more frequently before and during infestations.
– Lemon balm tea repels squash bugs and aphids. Apply 2 times or more per week as needed.
– A few teaspoons of baking soda in water can help prevent and treat fungi and powdery mildew on plants. Apply as needed for both preventive and acute treatment.

Recipe for a Pest Spray for Cayenne Pepper in the Garden

This is my homemade pest control spray for the garden and it works really well!
Author: Katie Wells
– 2-4 cloves of garlic
– 4 Cayenne peppers (or hotter peppers)
– 2 tablespoons olive oil (or other liquid oil)
– 1 tablespoon castile soap
– 2-3 cups hot water

Place garlic, peppers, oil, soap, and water in a blender and blend on high for a few minutes.
Let sit overnight or at least 12 hours in a bowl or jar to intensify the effects of garlic and peppers.
Strain through a towel, cheesecloth, or sieve and store in a glass.
Pour about 2 tablespoons into a 16-ounce spray bottle (or 3 tablespoons into a 24-ounce spray bottle) and shake well.
Spray directly on plants as needed. I recommend wearing gloves!
Apply as often as needed for preventive and pest control effects.

If you don’t want to make it yourself, there are store-bought natural pepper sprays. However, I prefer the homemade version to avoid the paraffin wax (from petroleum) in it. Still, it’s better than spraying your garden with pesticides! Just be sure to wash the products well and also use a vegetable wash.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

DE is a good all-purpose prevention and treatment against insect pests. Use with caution as it kills indiscriminately. I mainly use DE when I see slugs, fleas, or insect larvae on plants, as it is particularly effective against them. Simply sprinkle on plants as needed and reapply after watering or rain. I buy food-grade DE and also use it against pests indoors like ants and for internal parasite cleansing in humans and animals. This is the brand we use.

Homemade Soap Spray Recipes

Another natural pesticide option is to simply spray insects with soapy water. However, you should not use dish soap as it can damage plants. Instead, opt for pure castile soap. If you use the type with added peppermint essential oil, it also helps repel opportunistic insects!

To make an insecticidal soap spray, use 1/4 teaspoon (or up to 1 tablespoon) of liquid castile soap per liter of water. Spray directly on insects to destroy their exoskeleton. You can also make a soap and oil spray, which some believe works better than soap alone. Use 1 teaspoon of castile soap and 1/3 cup of oil and mix well to create a soap spray base. Use 1-2 teaspoons of this per 1 cup…

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