Home Gesundheit Hilft Ihnen Magnesiumglycinat wirklich, besser zu schlafen?

Hilft Ihnen Magnesiumglycinat wirklich, besser zu schlafen?

von NFI Redaktion

LaShawn Wiltz had not slept properly for decades. Since high school, she has been suffering from chronic insomnia, struggling to sleep through the night. In her mid-40s now, when Wiltz heard about the „Sleepy Girl Mocktail“ on TikTok, she was curious. Could this homemade concoction with a supplement called Magnesium Glycinate actually help her get a good night’s rest? Or, like many health hacks circulating on social media, was there no real credence to it?

While not everyone suffers from sleep disturbances, most of us could benefit from more sleep. The recommended duration is seven to nine hours. With good sleep habits – sometimes referred to as „sleep hygiene“ – you may reach this goal and improve your health. But for many, achieving consistent, deep, uninterrupted, and restful sleep remains elusive. Even with the best intentions and practices, the waking hours can add up, creating a sleep debt that can impact health over time.

Enter the „Sleepy Girl Mocktail,“ promoted on TikTok as a non-alcoholic beverage that anyone can make using ingredients like Magnesium Glycinate powder, tart cherry juice, and a sparkling beverage such as prebiotic lemonade or mineral water.

But does Magnesium Glycinate truly help improve sleep? Or is it too good to be true? Before you fill your glass, here’s what you need to know.

Magnesium Glycinate consists of:

Magnesium: This mineral helps regulate your body’s nerve and muscle function by normalizing blood pressure and stabilizing heart rhythm. Magnesium is also a micronutrient found in many foods like beans, seeds, nuts, and dark chocolate. However, if these foods are overly processed, magnesium content may diminish, leaving your body deficient.

Glycine: A nonessential amino acid used by your body to produce protein. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

„Magnesium Glycinate is a respected supplement known for its potential to contribute to better sleep and alleviate general anxiety,“ says Faisal Tai, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist in Houston. He states that it „has a calming effect on the nervous system and may help with falling asleep faster and experiencing more restful sleep,“ particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with anxiety, as sleep disruptions often worsen discomfort.

Naturally, sleep doesn’t solely depend on a single nutrient. Many factors come into play. „Magnesium helps calm your brain and relax your muscles, which could help you sleep better by supporting your body’s natural sleep patterns,“ says Shelby Harris, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist in White Plains, NY, with specialization in behavioral sleep medicine. „But it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, and we’re still figuring out how exactly it works for different individuals.“

The speed at which Magnesium Glycinate aids in sleep or relaxation varies for each person, says Harris. „Some individuals may feel the effects on their sleep after just a few days, while for others, it may take a few weeks.“

There isn’t much research on this topic. „Finding peer-reviewed literature on Magnesium Glycinate and specifically on sleep can be challenging,“ says Chester Wu, MD, a board-certified psychiatrist and sleep specialist in Houston. „The specific type of magnesium used in the study is often not mentioned,“ Wu adds, highlighting that studies have mainly focused on individuals with anxiety, depressive disorders, or sleep disturbances like insomnia or Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS).

How much of the supplement’s success could be attributed to the placebo effect? That is, if someone believes it will work, is it more likely to work?

„The placebo or belief effects could influence the extent to which Magnesium ‚works‘ for sleep,“ says Wu. However, he notes that the placebo effect „is not solely psychological“ and can have physiological effects – in this case, aiding the nervous system in relaxation, promoting sleep onset earlier and with less disruption throughout the night.

Introduced to Magnesium Glycinate not as a sleep aid, but for something else, Wiltz first learned about the supplement. „My nutritionist specifically recommended the supplement to help with my muscle soreness,“ says Wiltz, residing in Atlanta. These pains stemmed from ramping up her weight training. „I used heavier weights to train my knee after a running injury,“ she explains.

Wiltz already drank tart cherry juice in hopes of alleviating inflammation due to arthritis in her knees. Then she saw the TikTok mocktail mix with Magnesium Glycinate and decided to try it to see if it calms her muscles and improves her sleep. „I love mixing it with about 4 ounces of tart cherry juice, but I prefer the tablet form,“ she says. „I take one or the other every evening.“

As a first step, experts often recommend food sources for nutrients. There are many foods that can help you increase your magnesium intake. Magnesium-rich foods include:

  • Pumpkin seeds and other seeds
  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and Swiss chard
  • Nuts like almonds and cashews
  • Fish, including salmon and halibut

If you decide to try a supplement, inform your doctor to ensure it doesn’t affect your health condition or medications. Also, note that the FDA does not regulate supplements in the same way as drugs.

Although generally safe, taking too much Magnesium Glycinate can lead to stomach discomfort. „It’s important to start with a smaller dose and observe how your body reacts,“ says Harris. „Seniors, adolescents, and individuals with pre-existing kidney issues should consult with their doctor before starting Magnesium Glycinate, especially if they’re already taking other medications to avoid potential interactions.“

Since starting Magnesium Glycinate, Wiltz noticed a decrease in muscle soreness and an improvement in her sleep. „I immediately noticed that I slept more soundly,“ says Wiltz. „It’s not a miracle pill. I still have nights where I can hardly sleep, but it’s much less than before.“

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