Home Sport Es ist 17 Jahre her, seit Carmelo Anthony Mardy Collins geschlagen hat

Es ist 17 Jahre her, seit Carmelo Anthony Mardy Collins geschlagen hat

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Foto: AP

17 years ago marked one of the last major brawls the NBA has ever experienced. It is so notorious that it even has its own
Wikipedia page.

It was December 16, 2006 when young Carmelo Anthony – then with the Denver Nuggets – punched Mardy Collins of the Knicks after Collins threw JR Smith to the ground on a layup. Anthony came to his teammate’s aid, landed the punch, and then seemingly ran to the other side of the court, leaving the fighting to everyone else.

Nate Robinson was ready to take almost anyone on, and the aftermath resulted in he and Smith being suspended for 10 games, and Anthony for 15 games. Each team was fined $500,000.

Compared to other NBA fights in the 2000s (looking at you, Malice at the Palace), no one was seriously injured. Former commissioner David Stern swiftly paid out the damages to try and curb these fights during some of the more recalcitrant and aggressive days of the NBA.

„It is our duty to take the utmost measures to avoid such failures in the future and to provide to everyone following the sport of basketball a statement that we understand our commitments and take them seriously,” Stern said. „Accordingly, I impose the penalties listed below and will take the opportunity to set out some of the considerations that have influenced my decision here, and will continue to guide us as we seek to demonstrate our resolve that the NBA and its players are viewed as symbols of the best in sport.“

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