Home Gesundheit Abnehmprogramme und Empfehlungen für übergewichtige Kinder

Abnehmprogramme und Empfehlungen für übergewichtige Kinder

von NFI Redaktion

If your child is overweight or obese, one of the best things you can do now and in the future is to help them achieve a healthy weight. But how can you do that effectively? It usually depends on your child’s age.

There is no one-size-fits-all number on the scale that all children must reach to be healthy. The right range depends on the individual’s height, gender, and age. In fact, many children should not necessarily lose weight but rather maintain their weight as they grow taller or gain weight more slowly. However, if your child is suffering from severe obesity, especially if they have health problems related to obesity, your child’s pediatrician may give a different recommendation.

How can you determine if your child needs to lose weight? Talk to their doctor. They can help you create a safe plan. Additionally, expert advice can help you figure out what to focus on to help your child achieve a healthy weight regardless of age.

Goal: In most cases, children at this age should maintain their weight or gain weight more slowly. If the child is suffering from more severe obesity, the child’s doctor may give different advice.

What you can do: When children are very young, you are responsible for their daily routine. Make sure your child has enough time – at least 60 minutes – to be active during the day, whether it’s climbing on the playground, playing catch in the backyard, or jumping around in the living room. They don’t have to do their exercises all at once. Short bursts of activity throughout the day totaling an hour are completely fine.

Offer them a variety of nutritious options during meal and snack times. With a few simple steps, your child – and the whole family – can eat healthier:

*Reduce processed foods and fast food, which tend to have higher calorie and fat content. Instead, fill your child’s plate with fruits and vegetables and switch out white bread, rice, and pasta for whole grain alternatives. These contain fiber, which can help your child feel full longer.

*Serve no sugary drinks. Replace soda, juices, and sports drinks with water and skim milk or low-fat milk.

*Promote good eating habits. Three meals and two snacks a day can prevent your child from getting too hungry, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

*Make small changes. If you suddenly change your family’s diet, your child may get upset or confused. Start with a few changes each week. „Talk to your child about the decisions you are making,“ says Dr. Mollie Greves Grow, pediatrician at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Explain that some foods give them more energy to play.

Goal: In most cases, you should maintain your weight or gain weight more slowly. If the child suffers from more severe obesity, the child’s doctor may give a different recommendation.

What you can do: Children at this age have their own opinions. But they still need their parents‘ help. Now is the time to give your child the tools and lessons they need to make healthy decisions for a lifetime. The following strategies can help:

*Fill your kitchen with nutritious foods. Children can now choose snacks for themselves. You can make it easier for them to make healthy food choices by keeping junk food out of the house. „For your child, it’s easier to make the right choice when choosing between an apple or a banana instead of an apple or a cookie,“ says George Datto, MD, head of the pediatric weight management at Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children.

*Setting guidelines for TV and computer time. The time children spend in front of a screen is time they are not being active. If this becomes a habit, it leads to weight gain. Make sure your child knows they only have a specific amount of time to use the TV, smartphone, video games, or computer.

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