Home Beauty Meine Lieblings-Kleinunternehmen – Estée Lalonde

Meine Lieblings-Kleinunternehmen – Estée Lalonde

von NFI Redaktion

With the holiday season approaching, I believe it’s more important than ever to support small and independent businesses. Supporting neighborhood and smaller businesses can truly contribute to the thriving of a community! Plus, you’ll be helping the environment by reducing your carbon footprint.

The great thing about living in London is that there are so many sustainable shops to choose from! I’ve also found that Instagram is an incredible platform for discovering niche shops where you can buy everything from plants to art.

Over the years, I’ve certainly developed a preference for a handful of brands that I think are worth mentioning. Some of my favorite small businesses include: Alexandria Coe Art, The Sustainable Department Store, and Earl of East.

Aside from that, I’d love to hear from you! What are some of your favorite independent and sustainable shops?

Alexandria Coe Art

Alexandria Coe is a London-based artist whose illustrations of the female body are raw and beautiful. While her drawings are abstract, they convey emotions and attempt to tell a story, which I love. I’m very much looking forward to the release of her second book, „Lovers,“ which focuses on the theme of relationships and will include images and text that depict what this word means to her. Over at MIRROR WATER, Julie Tanner interviewed Alexandria about her upbringing, her art, and why she prefers the word „nude“ to „naked.“ You can read the interview here.

You can purchase Alexandria’s art here

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