Home Medizin FDA entfernt schädliche Chemikalien aus Lebensmittelverpackungen

FDA entfernt schädliche Chemikalien aus Lebensmittelverpackungen

von NFI Redaktion

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the removal of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from food packaging.

Issued on February 28, 2024: „This means that the main source of dietary exposure to PFAS from food packaging such as fast food containers, microwave popcorn bags, takeout containers, and pet food bags is being eliminated,“ the FDA said in a statement.

In 2020, the FDA received commitments from manufacturers to stop selling products containing PFAS, used in food packaging for grease resistance. „Today’s announcement marks the fulfillment of these voluntary commitments,“ the agency stated.

PFAS, a class of thousands of chemicals also known as „Forever Chemicals,“ are commonly used in consumer and industrial products. People may be exposed through contaminated food packaging (although possibly not in the United States) or occupationally. Studies have shown that some PFAS disrupt hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, while others can affect thyroid function.

Endocrine Society’s Report Raises Alarm on PFAS and More

The FDA’s announcement came just two days after the Endocrine Society issued a report on the latest scientific findings, warning about the health risks of environmental EDCs including PFAS.

„Endocrine-disrupting chemicals“ are individual substances or mixtures that can interfere with natural hormone function and lead to diseases or even death. Many are ubiquitous in the modern environment and contribute to a variety of human diseases.

The new report Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals: Threats to Human Health was jointly released with the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), a global advocacy organization. It updates the Endocrine Society’s 2015 report, providing new data on previously covered EDCs and adding four EDCs not previously addressed in this document: pesticides, plastics, PFAS, and arsenic-containing children’s products.

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